Book of Law

My book of Law- What are all the agreements I have made in my life? Questions to ask myself during this: What is "good or bad" "Right or wrong" about these areas of my life Personal Agreements: My body and myself Personal Appearance: Good- I like the way I dress and present myself most of the time Bad- I feel bad about my weight and my acne Health and Diet: Good- I feel good in that I know I am making some attempts at regaining my health Bad- I get down on myself when I feel pain, or I feel like I've eaten poorly Masculinity and Femininity: Masculine good: I feel confident that I can stand up for myself Masculine bad: I do not like when I have internalized mysogyny Feminine Good: I enjoy being a creative nurturer Feminine bad: I do not like to be thought of as feminine most of the time. I feel like it puts me into a position of weakness Social Agreements: Family and Friends Love and Sex: What is good about love? That it is warm and available. What is bad about love? That it leads to vulnerability. Hurts much more when someone you love hurts you. What is good about sex? It feels wonderful and is a good way to connect. What is bad about sex? Vulnerability, fear of rejection. Marriage and Family: What is good about marriage? Security, friendship, peace, connection. Home What is bad about marriage? commitment to only one person is allowed. Restraint. What is good about family? Found family, chosen family is good. Family that knows you and where you come from is good What is bad about family? Painful experience, those who are closest to you can hurt you the most. Friendship and Social Interaction: What is good about friendship: support, fun, laughter. Someone you can count on. People who arent obliged to like you but do so anyway. What is bad about friendship: fear that it isnt real, or its onesided, or you're being lied to or used What is good about Social interaction: exposure to new things, people, ideas What is bad about Social interaction: awkwardness, faux pas Spiritual Agreements: Life and God Religion and Spirituality: What is good about religion: honestly, I cant think of much except that for some people it provides a good direction What is bad about religion: too much to list here, I think nearly everything about it is bad what is good about spirituality: it can provide a freer form of being connected to the world around you what is bad about spirituality: if people use it for the wrong things, or rely too much on it instead of practical solutions, or use it to scare themselves or others, or use it for monitary gain Death and Loss: What is good about death: death leads to renewal and new life what is bad about death: often it takes what we love away from us. It can be very sad and scary What is good about loss: it opens a way for new things to come in what is bad about loss: it can take a long time to recover from Nature, Animals, and All forms of Life: What is good about nature and animals? Nearly everything is good. What is bad about nature and animals? Unexpected violence and disasters, disease. Financial Agrements: Work and career Your Unique skills and talents: what is good about my skills and talents: I have so many What is bad: I dont have a lot of sustained experience in work. Money and Financial matters: what is good about money/finance? It can be helpful. It is useful. what is bad about money/finance? It is limiting. It is not shared. It is often an illusion. Success and failure What is good about Success? Its very validating What is bad about success? Maybe not much, but being in a successful place for so long might limit your growth what is good about failure? Learning. What is bad about failure? Shame, hurt, being down on yourself.


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