
Showing posts from February, 2024

EDCs, Microplastics, Food and Socialism

Its been a very, very long time since I have felt the need to (wanted) to blog. The years have taught me to be a private person. But today I woke up and decided I wanted to write things out. Last night, Ben and I were watching some youtube documentaries about fast fashion and where everything ends up in Ghana. For some reason, this feels a lot like "the last straw" for me. My degree has already taught me so much about human impact. These past few years I've been learning more than ever about microplastics, endocrine disrupting chemicals (especially obesegens!) and the impact of GHGs on our planet. Tiktok, and the generous creaters on there, has also expanded my perspective, by sharing things about large corporations and food systems.... all these things I cant ignore. I feel in a sense that I'm going down a hole of irrationality. I know I live (and participate) in a capitalist culture. This means I dont have the time do do all the things that I think would be ap